Saturday, May 06, 2006

Viva Bunbury

...if our page
is darksalmon then the
pullquote area that is darksalmon
will be blended with20% white...

Here we are starting out with an opacity of 20%.

The filter:alpha(opacity=20) is the syntax for Internet Explorer while -moz-opacity:0.2 is the syntax for Mozilla. Anything we put in the div is set to transparent so the white background will
blend with the
display of the child element.
That means that if our page background is darksalmon then the pullquote area that is darksalmon will be blended with 20% white. The full effect looks like this.

Brown Text with White Background

The result is best in Internet Explorer
when a background color is defined.
The desired opacity effect is achieved in
Mozilla and IE.


Make it spill

...y entre cada palabra y sílaba pronunciada como surco áspero al recorrerquedarán mensajes sin descifrar que oculten las mentiras aprendidas.....
YOUR TEXT GOES HERE (OR THERE) We are using a right alignment and forcing the bottom line by scrunching the two words together so that the line doesn't break. A hack by a hack.Actually, it isn't a hack. Just a method.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006